Saturday, August 22, 2009

Planning continues for Hispanic Heritage Month

This is what we did this week for our Hispanic Heritage project:
1. Submitted our application for a Humanities Montana Opportunity Grant
2. Sent out our press releases
3. Contacted two radio stations regarding possible interviews
4. Created a brightly colored poster
5. Talked to a sign shop about a vinyl banner
6. Attended a Missoula salsa dance for networking
7. Secured a speaker to present travelogue on Chile
8. Contacted UM advisor to Foreign Students about presentation on Guatemala
9. Updated our NVPL website calendar of events
Busy week! Very exciting to see and hear the enthusiasm from so many, both Latin Americans and others. Next week: create the banner for outside the library, research where to obtain affordable maps and flags of our targeted countries to display, research traditional recipes.


Sue said...

BCR posted the message below about an online Britannica resource that features country profiles, biographies, photos, histories, cultures, learning tools, etc. that public, school and academic libraries can use for celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month:

"The vibrant heritage and culture of Hispanic Americans are celebrated in Britannica's Spotlight, Encyclopædia Britannica's Guide to Hispanic Heritage in the Americas."

Molly said...

Congratulations on the huge success of Fiesta Latina!! Great work!!!